What Can Water Storage Tanks Be Used For?
A water tank is a container for storing water and is widely used in the agricultural, industrial and fire fighting sectors. Common Uses of Water Tanks Rainwater harvesting Rainwater harvesting is very suitable for water conservation purposes, especially in areas where water is not abundant. Rainwater is accumulated and stored for reuse, rather than simply allowed to run meaninglessly to the ground. Potable Water Storage Storage of potable water is a common application. What is extraordinary is knowing the myth of storing potable water. It is that water will expire. As the name implies, water does not expire, but it can become chemically or biologically contaminated. Once the taste goes bad, it can be purified by simply rotating the container. To store drinking water indefinitely, keep it in a cool, shaded area, not directly on a concrete surface or on harsh fumes and chemicals. For irrigation agricultural purposes Irrigation and agricultura...